Sunday, August 23, 2009

Swine Flu?

Swine Flu? I say Pansy Flu. So we had an official case of the H1N1 Flu virus (AKA- the Swine Flu). Jamie and I went to the coast and when we returned found that young Samuel had been running a fever since that morning. The fever was there, but with Motrin in the system he was totally normal. We had him tested (swabbed) for the swine Monday morning when Max got his blood draw, and it came back positive.
So yeah we were worried some. The news makes it out to be Ebola. But in the end Sam only fevered for 2 days. Nothing serious. Bay had a fever for only one morning, which caused us to keep her home from the first day of school (talk about a 6 years old's world coming to an end).
Max was fine. Jamie and I felt tired, but that could have been tied to our weekend at the coast. Hey-O!
I say Pansy Flu. That was seriously the sissiest flu bug we've had in our house ever. That's right- I'm taunting.
First week of football done. Looking good. We got in full pads Friday. It will be interesting to see who emerges as our #1 TB. More to come.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Practice Begins

First Practice of the 2009 Season for both the Varsity and JV football teams will be Monday August 17th from 3:30 to 6:30. All players must have their physical paperwork turned into the school office, and have recieved clearance from the school before they are allowed to participate in practice.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

New counts

So they took new counts and things are still looking good. They have 3 different measurements when they look at the immune system: t-cells, b-cells and monocytes.
Max is 100% Sam on the t-cells and monocytes and 99% Sam with the b-cells. They want it to be 100% Sam, but 99% at this stage is not a problem.
Otherwise things are going well. Kidney tests are not great, just a little out of the normal peramiters. So they took him off a med.
All else is still good. We're starting to wrestle again, and getting more and more active- and less and less pampered. So that is good.
Football starts next week. Should be a very exciting season. First home game is Friday September 11th vs Brookside. JV will face Del Oro JV. That may be a doozy.

Monday, August 10, 2009

From Davis?

I knew a Sarah Simpson at Davis. I have a sarah simpson 'follower' on the blog. Are you the same? Can't figure out how to contact you to ask without using the blog. Sorry everyone.

Where have I been?

OK OK. So we got out of the hospital, and I just stopped logging in. I say fair enough- give the guy (me) a break. I just was happy to be home, and when I've had free time at the end of the night between kids going to bed and Jamie and I going to sleep- I've been able to hang out with Jamie!
That's been nice. We didn't spend a night together for 5 weeks.
So I saw Jenny at the store in town and she got after me for not posting any more updates. I said I would and she threatened to hold me to that. So here are updates.
Coming home has been real real cool. The folks around town have worked so hard to make our house ready for Max to come home. We have a lawn for crying out loud! And Sprinklers!
Max is doing better and better just being home and moving around. His numbers keep doing great. His blood draw this morning shows that his platelets have actually reached the level where he is allowed to ride his bike or scooter, so that is a nice step.
He has tons of meds every day. Like 7 pills in the morning, 2 in the afternoon, 5 at dinner, then 2 at 1:30 in the morning. Yep. but hey.
A big step was this past Thursday (I think)- Max got his pick line out of his arm. He had the tubes in there and Jamie and I were doing the blood draws every Monday and Thursday mornings then driving the vials of blood down to roseville. We also had to hook him up to IV fluids at night. A bit of an inconvenience, but that is gone now. That night Max said the dinner prayer and he thanked God for "the best- ... one of the best days of my life" for getting it out.
People have asked about Sam- He is fine. Literally nothing slowed him down after that day. And Baylor is good, we've all settled into our home routine. We have to stay home way more than we normally would, but that is about it. Max wears a mask when he goes outside. We play soccer in the front yard. Max feels as if he is the best goalie in the world.
Ill be doing football updates on a regular basis now. Right now I'm in desperate need for coaches. If anyone out there would be able to help or know someone who could. please have them call me on my cell: 530-613-1054. We start practice Monday the 17th.
Talk to you soon.