Saturday, July 11, 2009

come home prep

well, we really still don't know when exactly we'll be coming home, but they've started talking to us about discharge. leaving the hospital kind of discharge. It may be a week, it may be two weeks, but it's in the conversation- and that's nice.
Sunday they'll do a Gaft analysis to see how many of Sammy's cells are in there. If his white cells are half as intrusive as that child is- then we're golden.
So Discharge Stuf:
Max will have to wear a mask whenever he goes outside for the next 6 months or more. We have to steam clean our carpets, and any place he would want to go would have to have just steam cleaned their carpets. Limits the choices.
No swimming for 6 months to a year.
Also, dust is bad for him- real bad. And if you've seen our "yard" you would see the problem at hand. It's all dirt. We've been working this summer to pull up all the weeds in order to seed, but now we have to go sod. I think we'll throw gravel down on the side of the house to keep the dust down. We'll see, and we'll figure it out.
Right now it's 11:52 PM. Max just got up feeling bad, and we rushed to the bathroom. His blood pressure is good and he has no fever right now, and we'll try to tuck back to sleep.
I think he'll be feeling better tomorrow. One nurse said she often notices an every other day pattern with BMT kids in the recovery process.
Still, I'm happy to be dealing with all these issues. It's really a good thing.

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