Saturday, July 4, 2009


The Fog stayed away this evening (which is actually a pretty big deal) and we had a clear view to a couple of firewors shows. We had a decent view (granted from afar) of a show that looked like it was going on down past the Mission district maybe. Real Nice. Then we also had a view of a show going on over in Marin (even further away).
The PCA (Dave) helped us get the bed turned around so we could better enjoy the show.
Max was a bit disappointed. I think he was expecting them to come all around the building. That would have been cool.
He's also fighting the exhaustion from being so run down and feeling so cruddy. He just did not have enough energy to really have the right amount of patience. But we did have fireworks. And we did enjoy it- I know daddy did.


  1. Next year you will all be at our huge fouth of July BBQ. Everyone will be rested and well and the kids will be sliding down the waterslide and playing and having fun all day long. I'm glad you guys got a little glimpse of the Fireworks. Hang in there.

  2. Max we all love you and can not wait for you to come home.We miss you at church. Maybe when you come home I will have you a spider man blanket made I am going to work on that this week. Lon said HI and hang in there little buddy because we are going to need your help with football games. Besides that you make our football team look really good. You are our hero
