Sunday, July 5, 2009

my roomate- the rattlecan

Max is actually doing better today. The biggest issue is just the rattling that is going on as he breathes. But the docs and nurses have x-rayed him and his chest looks fine. He's doing better. Nothing to get real excited about. Just that the fevers are not as high, and the blood pressure has not really been an issue today, and only one throw up verse multiples. But still- better. Fever never got over about 102 last night and it's been regularly going to 104 every night. He's still sleeping most of the day, and shaking real bad when he stands to go p, but we have a target of when we think he'll start healing these sores.
The doctor says probably around the 13th, 14th and 15th is when they expect to see Sam's white cells coming in and starting to heal him up. Maybe even a few days sooner than that if they cut out his Day 11 Methotrexate (they are leaning toawrds cutting that out).
Football has our first passing league summer contest this monday at Del Oro (5:00- 7:00). We'll be going against Davis HS, El Camino HS, and Lincoln HS. We're looking forward to the experience. I predict we'll be shaky at first, but then settle in and hold our own. Our kids need to see that all these other mythical schools around us are filled with normal high school kids- just like them- we'll just not nearly as blessed since they don't live in Foresthill!

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