Wednesday, July 8, 2009

tuesday goings on

While Max is doing better- and he is- there were still some real tough times for him and mom tuesday. He had a free flowing bloody nose for over an hour. Jamie had to try to keep pressure on the nose, while also keeping his oxygen tube in. Max was also throwing up blood, and some bloody tissue yesterday. The docs say this is ok. They compare it to when you have an "owie" and it scabs, then as the wound starts to heal the scab falls off. Well Max's mucusitis cause a whole bunch of wounds in his mouth, throat and stomach (maybe all the way through the other end). The bloody tissue is the scabs sloughing off.
So far today he's been doing well. He had some fever last night, but only 101.2. They have continued to reduce his morphine amounts, and he has not been feeling greater pain- so that is good. They are also reducing the oxygen levels in his tube as they try to ween him off that. He needed it because all the sores in his throat made it difficult for him to get the proper level of oxygen saturation.
I think that's it for now.
On the football front we participated in a passing league contest at Del Oro Monday. While we didn't win any of the 3 contests we gained a bunch from the wxperience. We're going against big high schools and the boys began to settle down as they realized that the other kids were just high schoolers like them. We'll be better next time. Unfortunately Christian Addington, who was tearing it up at WR, broke his collarbone when a Lincoln player tackled him to the ground after a catch. Not supposed to be any contact in these things, so that was deffinately a bummer. He should be back in time for the season.

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